Thursday, January 1, 2015

Can Your New Year's Resolution Be Linked to Your Dental Health?

Everyone sets a resolution for the new year, whether they stick to it or not. But did you realize that many of those resolutions link back to dental health. For instance, you want to save more money in the new year. Well, preventative dentistry such as regular exams and cleanings is a heck of a lot cheaper than negligence. Only going to the dentist when a tooth is bothering you can cost you. When you're experiencing pain or discomfort, that's a sign you've waited too long to see the dentist. And the work you'll need done is most likely more expensive than a regular cleaning and exam every six months. 
Another example is making the resolution to get healthy and become more active in the new year. I bet you didn't know that the mouth is actually a gateway to overall health. Look at this chart explaining the effects of poor oral hygiene on your whole body. Pretty shocking, huh? Thus, getting healthy and staying healthy starts with taking care of your dental health and hygiene.

Another popular resolution is to be less stressed. Stress can actually reek havoc on your oral health! According to WebMD, too much stress affects your whole body, including your mouth, teeth, and gums. The potential impact includes mouth sores, such as canker sores and cold sores, clenching or grinding your teeth, not taking care of your teeth, eating a bad diet, gum (periodontal) disease or worsening of existing periodontal disease, and bad habits like chewing your nails, ice, pencils, or other objects which can damage your teeth. This too links back to your resolution to save money/get out of debt. Stress can lead to unexpected dental visits and procedures which I'm sure were not anticipated in your budget.
The list can go on and on about how any resolution can link back directly or indirectly to proper dental health. You know the saying, you only have one life to live? Well, you only have one mouth during that life so why not take care of it?! 
Dental 2000 is entering it's 33rd year of servicing the community under the lead of Dr. Larry Kaplan. Our unique approach to dental care is designed to integrate an awareness of your health, nutrition and well being in conjunction with a comprehensive assessment of your dental needs and values. Embark on a wondrous journey into a world that transcends all expectations of any trip to the dentist you have ever experienced. We promise to offer the ultimate experience in comfort, health and beauty in a PAIN FREE manner or you DO NOT pay for the visit. What other office do you know that has that guarantee?! 
Dr. Kaplan and his caring team use the latest technology to create beautiful and healthy smiles! We are pleased to offer our patients the following services in a friendly and comfortable environment.

For more information about Dental 2000,
visit or call 973-890-0600.

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