Thursday, September 11, 2014

Latest Dental Trend: Tatteeth

So I'm sure you're saying, what the heck is are tatteeth?! Tatteeth are actual tattoos people are getting on their teeth. Now not just anyone can get this done. Tatteeth are for people in need of crowns.

How it works is patients getting a crown select the image or design they want printed on their tooth. After impressions are taken, they are sent to the lab, where the crown is made and image is printed on the tooth. Once the lab ships the tooth back to the dental office, it is ready for insertion. The final product is a new tooth with an awesome tattoo.

This is perfect for people who have a fear of needles and could never have a tattoo actually done on their skin. Plus, if it's a crown for the back molar, it's not something everyone could necessarily see unless you show them. That way, if it's something personal for yourself, no one will ever know!

Dental 2000 actually just did a "tattooth" on one of our patients. She had had this design before and needed her crown replaced. We were able to replicate the design and our patient simply loved it! Maybe she'll get a pot of gold if she needs another crown to match!

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